TXGB + Colchester BID

Together we're stronger

Colchester Business Improvement District (BID) represents over 400 businesses located in the town centre, promoting it as both a destination for visitors and somewhere to live and work.
The consumer face of Colchester BID is the In Colchester brand, which operates a business directory, events calendar, multiple blogs and details of special offers located in the town centre.

Tried and trusted

Here are a few of the benefits of connecting to Colchester BID

  • Focused
    Support for Colchester town centre businesses
  • Secure
    Ringfenced funding via levy on town centre businesses
  • Wider area
    Ability to participate as a Friend of the BID outside defined boundary
  • Dedicated
    Our Colchester profiles for specific BID social media activities

TXGB is simple and fair, with no upfront fees

Connect your booking system to drive sales – pay when you take a booking.