TXGB + Tripadvisor

Together we're stronger

Tripadvisor is the world’s largest travel site, enabling businesses to bring their property to life with listings on a platform that sees unrivalled levels of visitor traffic.

It’s free to claim a basic accommodation feature, adding photos and descriptions to show potential bookers what makes your business special.

And Tripadvisor enables attractions, tours and experience providers to join the conversation about their property, responding to user reviews and accessing other feedback gathering tools free-of-charge.

Tried and trusted

Here are a few of the benefits of connecting to Tripadvisor

  • Traffic
    Be part of a platform welcoming over 500M unique visitors a month
  • Analysis
    Track performance via key insight generation
  • Customisation
    Add visual content and key details to set you apart from competitors
  • Promotions
    Include bespoke special offers, from discounts to free upgrades

TXGB is simple and fair, with no upfront fees

Connect your booking system to drive sales – pay when you take a booking.