TXGB + Visit Newquay

Together we're stronger

Visit Newquay is the official tourist information site for visitors to the North Cornwall Town that regularly tops polls for the best seaside and best family holiday destinations in England.

Visitors can find information on self-catering and hotel accommodation, as well as ideas and inspiration for activities and outdoor pursuits to enjoy on holiday.

Tried and trusted

Here are a few of the benefits of connecting to Visit Newquay:

  • What's on
    Feature in regularly updated detailed events calendar.
  • Ideas and inspiration
    Highlight your latest promotions and special offers to visitors.
  • Newsletter
    Regular e-newsletter sent to growing number of engaged subscribers.
  • Social reach
    Almost 40,000 total followers across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

TXGB is simple and fair, with no upfront fees

Connect your booking system to drive sales – pay when you take a booking.